The electricity sector in Europe is undergoing a technology shift, where the electricity supply side is leading the way to deliver decarbonization of the energy sector. However, delivering on the Net Zero targets depends on changes to other energy sectors including transport and heating. Net Zero will lead to a growth in electricity demand.
Europe plans to decarbonize the transport sector by replacing the petrol and diesel fleet of road vehicles with electric vehicles (EV) or in some cases hydrogen-powered vehicles. In some countries, internal combustion (IC) cars cannot be sold in as little as 9 years from now. Simultaneously, the heating sector is also being forced to switch from conventional (gas/oil) sources to carbon-free sources, such as heat pumps or electrode boilers in various industries.
These changes in the heat and transport sectors will increase the total electricity demand, modifying consumption profiles, which will impact the electricity markets. Comprehending the implications of this transition on electricity markets is vital to make informed investment and operational decisions. The overall impact on the market (electricity prices) will depend on the rate of change.
For the first time, the industry is undergoing both a technology change and demand changes simultaneously.
Join us to get an insight into these changes and how they will impact your planning and investment decisions.
Key Learning Objectives
- Understand the European targets on decarbonizing demand for delivering Net Zero GHG emission targets
- Learn about the alternative scenarios of growth in electricity demand, driven by decarbonization of the heat and transport sectors
- Find out the impact of demand growth on electricity markets (prices)
Target Audience
- MD/Director/VP/Head of Investments
Investment Manager - MD/Director/VP/Head of origination team
- MD/Director/VP/Head of Market Analysis
Market Analysis Manager - MD/Director/VP/Head Renewables
Renewables Manager - MD/Director/VP/Head of Structured Finance
Finance Manager - MD/Director/VP/Head of Trading
Trading Manager