The due diligence and selection process of service providers may seem daunting to vendor and quality management teams, especially with the coordination of a wide array of specialty vendors and all the contracts that go with them while operating under Good Clinical Practices (GCP).
Any one vendor can introduce risk to the entire study, its patients, or results. Today’s sponsor must have a philosophy as well as clear procedures to develop and implement a risk-based approach to vendor GCP qualification and auditing.
Join us for a roundtable discussion where a panel of experienced auditors will share their expert advice and innovative solutions that avoid problems and help both clinical trial Sponsors and Vendors to manage and prepare for vendor qualification assessments.
Accelerate the startup of your next clinical trial with innovations in the vendor qualification process to minimize critical findings, delays and the resources required by your organization.
Key Learning Objectives
- Challenges faced in qualifying service providers and problems to avoid
- Snags and time-burners that both trial sponsors and vendors need to know
- How to prioritize strategically and leverage third parties so internal resources can focus on areas with the highest business risks
- Learn from the minds of auditors who are knowledgeable and experienced in local regulations throughout the globe