The future of mobility depends on the use of optical sensors, such as cameras and Lidars, to enable ADAS and autonomous systems to achieve safe and efficient transportation and mobility. While these systems have some capability to see through adverse weather conditions, when there are contaminants on the sensor lens, such as raindrops, dirt, snow, etc., the sensors go ‘blind’ and the underlying system can fail. This is a threat to the safety of the vehicle and passengers, as well as threat to the industry’s ability to effectively and safely achieve higher levels of ADAS.
Sensor cleaning is becoming a functional requirement, but is a relatively new field. Further, establishing detailed requirements is difficult as the industry is just beginning to understand the scope and nature of the problem. However, some basic requirements are being formed within the industry and existing systems are unable to meet the constraints.
During the webinar, Actasys will explain: How sensors lose perception; how it has developed tools and methodologies to understand both the scope and breadth of the problem and how to optimally design a solution; and, will introduce the ActaJet™ Sensor Cleaning System and its unique advantages for meeting industry requirements and enabling the potential for deployment of ADAS and autonomous vehicle systems. This review will provide critical information and context to support decisions around the design, development and implementation of sensor cleaning systems.
The automotive and mobility sectors are becoming increasingly dependent on the success of optical sensors. It is critical to understand how these sensors operate in adverse weather conditions, why and under what conditions sensors lose perception, and what possible solutions are available to ensure continuous and optimal sensor operation. Please register for the webinar to learn more about how to approach the urgent need for sensor cleaning and how Actasys can support development of a strategy and a solution for this problem.